Tuesday, September 9, 2008

the computer ate my blog entry...

So I feel compelled to start this blog entry with a lament... on Sunday I had nearly completed an excellent update when the power in my hostel was cut off and I lost my nearly completed entry... it made me sad... the power only was off like two minutes too... I mean, if the power is going to crash and make me lose my work, it might at least be an actual glorified blackout... I'm just kidding about that last one because I really was glad that the lights came back on...

Let that also serve as an excuse if this update is less excellent than it should be... So like I mentioned in my last entry, Saturday we headed to Cape Coast to see the tail end of their week long festival. It was a good seven hour drive to be in Cape Coast for four hours(one of which consisted of waiting for our lunch at a very slow restaurant...). It was totally worth it though because festivals are fun, and this one was no different. Granted, it was also very hot and crowded, but the parade was what really sealed the deal for a good day. The parade was more a procession really of all the chiefs(probably Fante chiefs because Cape Coast is a Fante region) and they were all decked out in their traditional attire and were being carried in these fancy seats above the crowd. They looked very royal and regal and I got some very good pictures. It definitely spoke of a different side of Africa than the designer clothes and American music that one finds on the streets... a little less westernized... The chiefs aren't just symbolic rulers of bygone days though; apparently they still maintain power as regional leaders in the government.
I went to church Sunday which was fun; I got to sing in a mix of English and Twi... I really like singing praise songs in different languages...

Yesterday, Monday that is, I started volunteering. I am going to be volunteering at a local orphanage about half an hour away by tro-tro. The orphanage seems quite well run and the kids I got to play with all seemed pretty happy. There are about sixty kids, and the big ones help look after the little ones and the hired help seemed very attentive and there is a pretty steady stream of volunteers who go in and out all week... I plan on going at least afternoons a week...

That's that for now:)

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