Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Election 2008 and a final post from Ghana

So the news of the day is that just now as I was typing, Ghana announced that there will be a runoff shortly after Christmas because neither of the candidates achieved the needed 50% plus for a clear victory, but they are neck to neck. Moreover, the election was peaceful and without incident, and it seems as though for the last three days since Sunday when people waited hours in line to vote(a friend waited two hours...) people have been glued to their televisions and radios as they hand counted and announced results for each polling station as they came in. Nobody is surprised that there will be a runoff though, and it is a great day for Ghana and for Africa that the election went so well. It is definitely a cool time to be here.

Meanwhile, for me, this week has been full of exams... one down, two to go... I should be studying right now... oh well. This week is also full of every last minute thing as I fly out Saturday evening. I can't believe this semester is over. It has been so full, and it has gone by so fast. It has definitely been a highlight in my rather excellent college experience.

Anyways, just a quick update, and now I need to get back to studying!

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